The work of E. N. Kravchenko, a native of Ashgabat, is intrinsically linked to the theme of the Orient. As a natural colorist, he has absorbed all the hues of Turkestan since birth. Therefore, in his paintings, color conveys not only the principle of decoration, but above all, the plastic principle: it creates the depth of space and establishes the very atmosphere of the artwork. Atmosphere is a key term in describing the artist’s work. An atmosphere of meditation, immersion in nature, and harmony with it is evident in many of his works. Like no other artist, Kravchenko was true to his calling as a colorist. Evgeny Kravchenko has left behind a rich legacy – hundreds of paintings, graphic works, and countless sketches in his travel journals.
Interview with Evgeny Kravchenko (1937-2010), conducted in September 2010 and published on the CD as part of the book "Many Samums I've Seen... The Diaries of the Artist Yevgeny Kravchenko" (the Mardjani Foundation, 2011).
The project of the film production company "OknO"
Written and directed by: Elena Borisova and Andrey Tsvetkov
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