Documentary films

A special project of the Mardjani Foundation is the creation of documentaries about the culture and art of the 20th century, showing the artistic connections between different regions of Russia and Central Asia. For this series we collaborated with the famous Uzbek director Ali Khamraev, who became the director and screenwriter for most of the films. Six films in this series are dedicated to the greatest artists of Uzbekistan and Tatarstan – Pavel Benkov, Baki Urmanche, Chingiz Akhmarov, the founder of the famous Nukus Museum – Igor Savitsky, the dancer Galiya Izmailova and the writer Yavdat Ilyasov. Over time, the film collection was expanded with other film fragments – on the work and inspiration sources of the Tajik artist Alexander Akilov and an interview with Evgeniy Kravchenko.
We also present here films that accompanied the Foundation’s major exhibitions: "Ninety-nine Names of God. Classical Art of Islamic World from IX to XIX Centuries from the collection of the Mardjani Foundation" and "Ibn Fadlan's Journey. Volga Route from Baghdad to Bulghar".