Ibn Fadlan's Journey

Ibn Fadlan's Journey

The film "Ibn Fadlan's Journey" was produced for the exhibition "Ibn Fadlan's Journey: Volga Route from Baghdad to Bulghar" (19 February – 18 September 2016, at the Hermitage-Kazan Center of the State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin").

The film utilizes photographs of objects from collections of the following institutions: the State Hermitage Museum, the State Historical Museum, the Mardjani Foundation, the Museum of Oriental Art, the Volgograd Museum of Local History, the Samara Museum for Historical and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin, the Astrakhan State United Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, and the State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin". In addition, it features works by photographers Marat Vafin and Rinat Minnebaev.
  • Written and directed by: Azat Minnekaev
  • Production designer, animator, film editor: Sofia Nelyubina
  • Consultant: Asan Torgoev
  • Music composed, recorded and mixed by: Alexey Rakhov
  • Vocals: Olga Kropotova
  • Mastered by: Yuri Shcherbakov (JAM RECORDING STUDIO)
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